Our Journey / About us

We constitute a team of adept professionals specializing in building systems within the manufacturing sector. Our primary focus is on conceiving cutting-edge electrical systems that not only exhibit top-notch performance but also uphold the principles of sustainability.

As the usage of electric vehicles (EVs) continues its upward trajectory and local regulations increasingly mandate the installation of EV charging stations, our clients have been grappling with the predicament of integrating these stations without incurring exorbitant electrical infrastructure upgrades. In response to this challenge, we embarked on a collaborative journey to devise a robust and economical solution for EV charging that caters to multi-residential complexes and condominium towers.

Our methodology is both straightforward and dependable: we harness the capabilities of existing building technologies to engineer EV charging setups that allow users to conveniently charge their electric vehicles at their designated parking slots. In doing so, we circumvent the necessity for unwarranted infrastructure overhauls, thereby safeguarding our resources for the benefit of generations to come – a pursuit that resonates with our deeply ingrained sustainability objectives.

We extend an invitation to you to join us in our unwavering commitment to eradicating emissions and making EV charging an easily accessible and sustainable choice for everyone.